Héctor Oltra VIII 2017 Héctor Oltra GarcíaDr. Héctor Oltra-García (1976, Alboraia, Valencia - Spain). Composer, conductor and musical researcher. High degree in Composition and Orchestral Conducting specialties, Master in Contemporary Music, and Doctorate cum laude in Music by Universitat Politècnica de València. Dr. Oltra has been developing an intense activity mainly dedicated to current musical languages, elaborated in a multidisciplinary way in the areas of composition, conducting and musical researching.

As composer, he has received numerous commissions and his works have been premiered and featured in diverse international contemporary music festivals in Spain, USA, Romania, Italy, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Russia and Germany. His works has received composition awards and selections: Oïda II - International Contemporary Music Festival of Valencia ENSEMS; Huihuihui Música - I Young Composers Cycle SGAE-Art's XXI; Price Paco Llácer XI - FECOCOVA (Valencia, Spain); Risuonanze 2015 - TKE (Udine, Italy); Vox Novus International Call for Compositions(NY, USA); 25th International Review of Composers (Belgrade, Serbia); Interensemble 2017 (Padua, Italy); Phasma Music Recording (Warsaw, Poland); In Ensemble Just Fest Volume 1.5 (Rostov on Don, Russia); Tage Neuer Musik 2020 (Regensburg, Germany); among others. His music, principally inspired by art, science, literature, philosophy or committed to today's society, features an abstract and non-traditional personal language, giving a primary sonorous role to texture, timbre, colour, gesture, and its suggestive capacity.

He has conducted the Mediterranean Symphony Orchestra and its Soloists Ensemble, CSMV Symphonic Orchestra, FSMCV Local Band, among others. Actually he is artistic director and principal conductor of ENSEMBLE SÍNTESIS, chamber group specialized in contemporary music.

As researcher, Dr. Oltra focuses his works and publications on contemporary music, especially in Valencian (Spain). www.hectoroltra.com

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