One day Dario T. Pino and Francesco Lipari invite for lunch Giovanni Arena, a double bass player from Catania with whom they share their compositional training with Alessandro Solbiati.

Giovanni was thrilled with the idea of ​​improvising with them. From that meeting the single Agni Parthene was born, based on a non-liturgical Orthodox devotional song dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

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Why an Orthodox chant? The deep roots of Sicily are Greek and until the Romanization of the rite also the liturgy and faith were Greek-Byzantine. It has a symbolic, not a scientific meaning. We talked more about it in the previous article.

Francesco, multi-instrumentalist, chooses the bass flute: melodic fragments of the piece are recomposed to lead to the literal quotation of the melody, several times, in the finale. It is like a puzzle that arises from the individual pieces which, piled up on a table, do not give the idea of ​​the final picture, if not for some detail.

Listening guide

The piece is nourished by contrasts: tradition and modernity, transcendence and immanence, polyphony and monody, voice and instrument. Contrasts that run throughout the piece, at times exalted and at other times canceled (as if to give that sense of inner serenity so longed for).

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A bordone is the background to the whole piece. It is A note sung on a very low A that sometimes disappears, others emerges, others dominates everything else. From the bordone the two instruments, double bass and bass flute, emerge, playing only noises with every possible means: with the bow beaten, rubbed, with the breath in the instrument, in short, the entire body of the instrument becomes a sounding board. The choice of noise is deliberate and strong. If we think about it, the noise was born well before the sound. They are noises that we hear for the most part around us; noises are what the first instruments ever built – the percussions - produce.

The double bass begins the piece. Around the first minute, the breath of the flute is added which becomes an amplification of the performer's breath, or rather of the breathing, that is, of life. From here and for four minutes, the performers show off their technical and expressive skill by building a sort of counterpoint between the instruments. An emotional crescendo seasoned with the reverberations and resonances of electronics.

 Immediately afterwards the bordone is silent for about a minute and a half; the instruments emerge continuing the path of approaching the sound, the melody, which finally reveals itself in its severe and hieratic majesty at minute 6:22. It is the apotheosis of melodic conquest. All the sound components of the piece come together in a sort of sonic orgy that goes out in the same initial silence.


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On February 28 the new single “Fa focu amuri” will be released by Fracargio The complete album will be released on September 28, 2021. The first EP of the group, Agni Parthene, dates back to 2018.

There is some continuity between the two works, to the point that Fa focu amuri seems to start again from where Agni Parthene left off. This is why we decided to tell you a story every week for each of the four songs contained in that debut album.

Fracargio Fronte Logo 2000x2000 max 600x800The Fracargio ensemble was a surprise for its own founders, Dario T. Pino and Francesco Lipari [LINK diaphonia]. In 2015 they often got together improvising for instruments and live electronics. There was neither a planning nor a vision: it was a workshop. Between a coffee and a rehearsal, a beer and a debate on readings and records heard, the two musicians understood that the tools they forged were what they had been looking for for years, without knowing it.

The decisive element, missing in that embryonic experience, was a common passion of the two artists: the music of the Sicilian people.

Moved by a spirit of research, they conduct an investigation into Sicilian culture in general: the first album would be based on the presence of popular materials and the leitmotif would have been devotion. The four songs are in fact based on two songs of devotion: Agni Parthene, an Orthodox song dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Misereri, a Sicilian song with the Latin text of Psalm 50, used until a few years ago in the Holy Week rites in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME).

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What does an Orthodox song have to do with Sicily? It has a symbolic value. Sicily has its roots in Greek culture. Even the liturgy was Greek-Byzantine up to the Romanization, which was, in a certain sense, imposed from above. This is not the place for historical disquisitions, but a clarification was necessary.

From the original songs a double parallelism was created:

Agni Parthene Sognando Agni Parthene
Mismedo – Misereri

Popular music research must not mislead: Agni Parthene is not a popular music record. Far from it. You can listen to the songs by clicking on the playlists below to get a clearer idea. We give you an appointment next week to learn more about the individual songs contained in the disc.

Link to Youtube playlist


Logo Definitivo Nero cropFracargio is planning a 2021 full of news.

On February 28 the new single of the album Fa focu amuri will be released. Others will follow before the full album, scheduled for September.

We will launch a Youtube channel too. You will find live performances of the songs on the disc, but not only.

In fact, we have some streaming events in the pipeline, including some micro-concerts dedicated to Dante Alighieri, for the 700th anniversary of his death, just to give an example. But so much more awaits us…

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