The musical style aims at the union between composition, improvisation and technology, seeking interactions with other forms of expression: literature, figurative arts, popular music, theater. Currently the Sicilian language has become a prevalent aesthetic element, an umbilical cord with roots. Even the agro-pastoral instruments, used in a different context from the one in which they were born, have the same function. The recording debut is in 2017 with the digital EP Agni Parthene, containing two pieces. The following year, the album with four tracks, also published in physical CD format. The pieces contained in the album were performed in concerts in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Messina, Berlin. On February 28, 2021 the new single Fa focu amuri is released which will anticipate the homonymous album released in September 2021. He realized the projects Cuntimi ... cincu favuli assai famusi, Odiamuri, and E Natali ci annunziò, today in the repertoire of the Sulamuri group, a new Diaphonia project. Other projects are in the works, related to the creation of a Youtube channel. Put experimental electronics that meet popular music; put three composers-performers who organize the sound around the orthodox chant Agni Parthene. The result is at least surprising, estranging and full of warmth and vitality. The four pieces on this EP originate from the same material, in a sort of Theme with variations. But the developments are completely different. The song is fragmented, eclipsed, it makes its way with force to pulverize itself again. Giovanni Arena (double bass), Francesco Lipari (bass flute) and Dario Pino (live electronics) the listener is led for fifty minutes into a magical, dreamy dimension. Certainly a genre that is not easy to find in contemporary record production. Tracklist 1. Agni Parthene 2. Mismedo 3. Sognando Agni Parthene 4. Misereri Potete ascoltarlo oppure acquistarlo digitalmente nei migliori store: Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, Amazon Biografia
Fracargio is a Sicilian musical group. It is one of the most important project of Diaphonia Edizioni. The main components of the group are Francesco Lipari (percussion, bass flute, friscaletti, narrator), Dario Pino (live electronics, keyboards, synths), Carmelo Giambò (accordion), Carmen Mazzeo (transverse flute, baroque flute). Other musicians and various artists collaborate often.